About Us
GO Farms LLC began in 2000 with the purchase of about 300 acres and a tiny abandoned farmhouse in Medford, Oklahoma with the intention to be a great place to deer hunt. As the years went by, the surrounding property was purchased, crop sharing began, and wildlife and land conservation efforts grew. In 2009, we purchased our first set of Angus cattle. Our 1st generation cow-calf operation has grown to over 450 cows and 24 bulls covering 6,000 acres. We are proud to now offer our high quality, no hormone added beef to the public.
GO Farms is a member of the Oklahoma Cattleman’s Association and the National Young Farmers Coalition. We are certified in the Cow/Calf Beef Quality Assurance Program. GO Farms is a participant in the Oklahoma Wildlife Department Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP). DMAP is a program aimed at intensively managing deer herds on private lands.
We also voluntarily participate in the FSA (USDA Farm Service Agency) Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). Farmers enrolled in the CRP land conservation program agree to remove environmentally sensitive land from agricultural production and plant species that will improve environmental health and quality. The long-term goal of the program is to re-establish valuable land cover to improve water quality, prevent soil erosion, and reduce the loss of wildlife habitat.

Our Practices
We believe hunters and farmers are the greatest conservationists and we take seriously our God-given environmental stewardship command to “subdue” the earth.
We believe in responsible farming to include Animal Welfare and Good Agricultural Practices. Our farm practices include low till, pasture raised, and rotationally grazed herd management.
Rotational grazing has many environmental benefits including increased forage production, soil fertility, and resistance to drought, with less wasting of forage, less soil compaction, and control of less desirable plants.
Further, it promotes low stress on animals as they learn to associate humans with good food and provides an opportunity for ranchers to assess the health of each animal. We over-seed some of our bermuda pastures with wheat and cut our own hay.
GO Farms is registered & certified with the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture as a distributor of Beef to the Public.